The System Is Unforgiving

Play by The Rules and Win

For the first time, Allen opens up his valuable vault of knowledge and brings his extraordinary story, and the Rules of the System, to you. He gives testimony and credit to not just the people who lifted him up and guided him, but even the folks who caused him turmoil and trouble.

“Life is an Unforgiving System”

“We have choices in life. Know who and what you want to be. If you are not clear with your direction, then you won’t know how to orchestrate step one to building a life foundation. The system will swallow you up if you do not have a vigilant eye on the players,” adds Maxwell.  

“Life is an unforgiving system,” Maxwell concluded.

Allen Maxwell The system is unforgiving trio showcase

The Rules of the System

What kept me alive and striving in my life was the identification and adherence to the 15 Rules of the System as listed below.

I built many of these rules before I was even 30 years old, so I am speaking to the young when I say that if you play your cards right, you can set yourself up for life. If you are older, or in middle-age like me, then you get to reflect, reform and move forward with a greater wisdom than you ever knew you had before.

Take my Rules of the System as your own, or make your own set of Rules, but either way, let the life you have lived, and the systems you have navigated and are currently navigating, inform you of your compass. You cannot go wrong, even if situations or people go haywire on you in your ascension in life. You will have the rules to fall back on and course correct you in all scenarios, big and small.

The 15 Rules


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